How to do a cute Toddler Valentines day photoshoot

I had so much fun putting together this toddler Valentines day photoshoot. I wanted fun and cute holiday photos of my kids, but didn’t want to spend a lot of money. I started to learn how to do it myself and thought I would share how I did it. I included all props and outfits I used to make this happen. You can see all the details below!

DIY toddler valentines day photoshoot

I didn’t know anything about photography a couple years ago and started to learn on my own to save money. I started to share some of the things I learned here on my blog. Check out more of my DIY photoshoot tips HERE.

Learn to take Professional Photos at home

Why spend tons of money on a professional photoshoot session when you can save money and take them yourself. I’ll show you what photography equipment you will need, how to set up an awesome backdrop, tips on taking photos, and how to edit your photos to get that professional look. Can’t wait to see how your pictures turn out! (At Home Preset included in course)

Valentines Day Photoshoot Props

You don’t need a lot of props for this Valentines day photoshoot. The only props are the heart balloons you hang up on the backdrop and the wooden boxes the boys sit on.

Valentines Day Photoshoot Outfits

I wanted to keep things simple for this Valentines day photoshoot. I thought it would be cute to do a simple white button up shirt with suspenders and jeans. I wish I had black converse because that would have been adorable touch to the outfit. I think the outfit turned out pretty cute!

Links to the outfit

Valentines Day Photoshoot Backdrop

Learn more about my backdrop on my online course how to take your own photos at home. Link to course HERE.

I used packing tape to attach the balloons to the backdrop. This tape worked best and the balloons never fell down during the photoshoot. I started by placing them from top to bottom, but halfway through I had to move the balloons down. So when you place them on the backdrop start from the bottom up. I had too much space on the bottom half. Star the balloons almost at the floor.

Here is a time lapse of me putting the backdrop together and taking the photos of the boys. It really was such a simple photoshoot and something you can easily do at home.

YouTube video
YouTube video


Hope this blog post helped so you can recreate this adorable Valentines day photoshoot at home. I’d love to see the photos you take using my tips. Post them below so I can see and others can see how fun and easy it is to do these photoshoots at home.

DIY Baby Valentines Day Photoshoot


Photography Equipment for Beginners

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