My top sleeping tools for babies first year!
This post will include some of my favorite sleeping tools I used for my twins first year.

My twins are amazing sleepers! I like to think God sent me angel babies on purpose because he knew life would be hard after losing Justin. I also should give myself a little credit because I followed the Babywise book very diligently. If you are interested in knowing more about my sleep and feeding schedule for the first year you can check that out HERE.
Table of Contents
First Baby Sleeping Tool: Swaddles
The first sleeping tools I use are swaddles. Its so important to have a good swaddle for your baby. I’ve included the three types of swaddles I used for their first year.
1. Swaddle (Age Newborn – 4 months)

I was given a lot of different newborn swaddles at my baby shower, but these swaddles were my favorite. I only used these swaddles for the first four months. Once they started to break free from the swaddle I knew it was time to change to the sleep suit.
2. Merlin’s Magic Sleepsuit

Everyone was always asking me about these suits and I’m here to tell you they are magic! I recommended these to a friend who said their baby slept a longer stretch the first night they used it! I use these suits until they start to turn over. Once they start rolling over you can move to the sleep sack.

3. Halo Sleep Sack
Once the boys started to roll over I transitioned them into these Halo sleep sacks. They replace loose blankets in the crib to prevent babies from suffocating and it keeps them warm at night.

As they get older these sleep sacks can prevent your toddler from climbing out of the crib. When my boys were a little over a year old they started to unzip the sleep sacks and take them off. I started putting them on backwards so they couldn’t take them off and it would prevent them from climbing out.

Winter Sleep Sack
We use this sleep sack during the winter because it gets pretty cold here in Minnesota. I love how it snaps at the top so its very easy to remove and put on!

Second Baby Sleeping Tool: Sound Machine
The second sleeping tool I use is a sound machine. I learned about this sound machine from my sister. I like how cheap it is and and how simple it is to use. I also like how lightweight it is which makes it perfect to pack in a bag for traveling. It comes with a lot of different sounds to use, but I mostly use the white noise.

Hatch Sound Machine
Once the boys got a little older I bought this Hatch sound machine and it has been a life saver! My boys started waking up more often in the middle of the night. Once I got this they started sleeping through the night.

You can control it from your phone which is amazing. You can also program it to turn on and off when you want. You can control sound and light to what you want as well. It can also connect to your Alexa. Worth every penny!
Third Baby Sleeping Tool: Nest Camera (Baby Video Monitor)
The third sleeping tool I use is the nest camera. Deciding on a baby monitor can be overwhelming so I hope this can help! The ones I have are indoor security cameras. The night vision on the cameras are really high quality. I also like that I get updates on my phone and apple watch when there is motion detected. Once they grow out of these camera I can use them in a playroom or as an indoor security camera. You definitely get your moneys worth.
How many to buy with twins?
If their nursery was big enough to put their cribs side by side I would have just bought one camera. I have to put each crib on separate walls and that is why I bought two cameras. If you like the close up view then you could buy two cameras. They have a nice wide angel view which lets you see a lot of the crib.
How I set it up
- I have an app on my computer and on my phone. I always have my phone with me so its easy to check up on them. I also keep an iPad set up in my kitchen. Its always plugged in and used as the baby monitor screen.

Fourth Baby Sleeping Tool: Black Out Blinds
The fourth sleeping tool I use is back out blinds. In the book Babywise it talks about the importance of having a dark room for babies to nap in. These are the best and so easy to apply. You just measure and cut them to fit your windows. There is a sticky tape on the back you peel off and stick right to your window. Very easy and fast!

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