Last year after Justin passed away I took the twins and we went to live at my parents place in Estes Park for the rest of the summer. Some of my closes friends were able to come and spend a weekend with me right after the funeral. I wrote about that weekend last year on my old blog, but wanted to repost it here.
Original Post Written July 23, 2018
“Best Friends Make the Good Times Better and the Hard Times Easier.”
My closes friends came and spent the weekend with me in Estes Park. We all met when we studied abroad in Jerusalem and our friendship has only become stronger over the years.
The event that brought us here was not how we envisioned our next get together, but I’m so grateful they came. We spent the weekend crying together as they listened and we talked. They truly felt my pain and cried with me. They gave me strength when I was so weak. They made me laugh as we talked about old memories and made new ones.
We talked about the Savior and how much of a role he plays in our lives. At the end of the weekend we had grown so much. We were all strengthened and spiritually uplifted to be better and do better. We even talked about Justin and how he was such a great example to us all. Sometimes it’s hard to imagine us being like Jesus because he was perfect. At times it seems impossible to be like him, but I can try and be like Justin. It seems reachable in my eyes to be like Justin and he truly was as close as you can get. He was radiant in every way and tried his best to be like Christ.
My sweet friend wrote me a note that described Justin perfectly and it meant so much to me. She said:
“Justin was a man who saw others as God saw them and treated all with respect and grace. Even when they might not have deserved it, he never saw it that way. My life was touched by a titan among men. Thank you for brining a new friend to my life. An example of who God wants us to be. And thank you for being an ever present reminder of holding to the rod of hope and faith. I mourn with you and I’ll rejoice with you when you see him again.”
Friends are the ones that rejoice and mourn with you. It is not by chance these beautiful souls were placed in my life. I know they were hand picked by the Lord to give me strength during my hour of need. To be here to cry with me. To be here to keep me going. To be here to remember Justin and keep his legacy alive! We all left wanting to be like Justin and be better daughters of God.
I believe true friends are the ones who are with you during the hard times and the good times. They cried with me, but also encouraged me to keep moving forward. They sent me a gift every month for the first year. They never left me alone in my sorrow. I will forever be grateful for their friendship!
The girls in this post and many other of my friends have been there for me this past year. I’m so grateful to have so many great friends that have kept me living!