Lightweight Double Stroller
I’m excited to share this amazing lightweight double stroller that Contours sent me. I realized as we started traveling more and doing quick errands I needed a different stroller. The one I had was hard to pack up in the car and took up a lot of space. This Contours Bitsy Double Stroller is exactly what I needed and I’m beyond thrilled about it! I’ll be sharing all my favorite things about this stroller below.


My first favorite thing I like about this double stroller is how lightweight it is. The Contours Bitsy Stroller only weighs 24lbs. I wanted something that I could easily fold and lift into my jeep. They even give you a strap to hold onto once it’s folded so that you can easily carry it. I was very happy how lightweight it felt.

My second favorite thing about this double stroller is how compact it is. I own a jeep and I love it, but it doesn’t give me a lot of space in the back of my car. My old stroller took up so much space I had none left for bags or groceries. The Contours Bitsy Double Stroller leaves me plenty of extra room to fit what I need.

My third favorite thing about this double stroller are the seats. I love how easy it is to adjust the seats to lean backwards or forwards. The seats also fully recline back for baby to sleep on the go. My twins still have awhile before their legs reach the bottom step, so I like how they have adjustable leg rest. Each seat can accommodate up to 40lbs, so I can use this for a long time with my twins.

My fourth favorite thing about this double stroller is the durability. I was really impressed how well the Contours Bitsy Double Stroller did with uneven surfaces. It glided over the bumps easily when we went on a walk to the park. I was impressed with how well it did.
If you are interested in buying this stroller you can find it here.