How to make a Gadget rescue rangers costume

Learn to craft the perfect DIY Gadget Rescue Rangers costume with step-by-step instructions. Unleash your inner inventor and transform into the iconic character. Get ready for adventure!

rescue rangers gadget costume

Gadget rescue rangers costume

To create an authentic Gadget Rescue Rangers costume, you’ll need a few key items. Start with a jumpsuit to match Gadget’s signature outfit, then add a headband to emulate her distinctive style. A wig is essential to capture Gadget’s distinctive hairstyle, while makeup can help you perfect her animated look. Don’t forget the finishing touch – a wrench as a prop, completing your transformation into this beloved character from the classic animated series. With these elements in place, you’ll be all set for a fun and adventurous costume experience!

How to make Rescue Rangers gadget costume


The most important part of the gadget rescue rangers costume was the purple jumpsuit. I struggled finding a jumpsuit with the perfect light purple color, but the one I found on Amazon ended up working out even though its a little darker.


The other important part of the gadget rescue rangers costume was the headband and ears. I ended up buying the mouse ears online and they worked perfect. For the gadget goggles I used these round plastic containers from the dollar store. I painted them blue and glued them to the foam on the headband. After the glue dried I put the ears back on.

Rescue rangers gadget costume


It was hard finding the right color wig for gadget rescue rangers costume, but I think I did pretty good. I bought the wig below and cut the bangs short. I then used hair glue to make sure the bangs stayed in that v shape. I think it turned out perfectly!


The makeup for gadget rescue rangers costume was so fun to do. I used purple eyeshadow for my eyes and these awesome eyelashes that give off a cartoon look. I use the pink face paint for the nose and cheeks. I didn’t stress too much about makeup, but wanted it to look cute and fit her character.


The wrench was super easy to do, just took some time. I first made a wrench template so I could trace it onto the foam. You can hand draw the template and cut it out. You can also find a wrench online and enlarge it and then print out to trace. I bought craft foam from Hobby Lobby, but I realized as I was cutting that I got the wrong foam. It was pilling into tiny little balls which made it hard to paint. I painted it and it ended up looking ok, just a little messy. I used gray acrylic paint to paint it all gray. It helped to make a cut out template to trace onto the foam.

How to make Chip n Dale costume

See how I made chip n dale costume to go with my gadget costume. My boys actually inspired this costume because of their obsession with Chip n Dale. I thought it would be fun for them to make a costume of their favorite character right now.

See more of our costume throughout the years

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